Friday, July 8, 2016

Iran Threatens US Again With Nukes (Daniel 8:4)

Iran threatens to restart nuclear program

The Washington Times

Iran upped the ante recently to pressure the Obama administration to release money to the terrorist regime, proving once again Iran believes it has the upper hand against the White House. Its trump card seems to be the threat of restarting its nuclear weapons program if it doesn’t get the financial resources and support for its economy it desires.
Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chair of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission, warned that the Islamic Republic would “resume large-scale uranium enrichment” if leaders feel the international community is not doing enough for Iran under the nuclear deal.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s response to the other side’s non-compliance with the implementation of the nuclear deal will be uranium enrichment,” Mr. Boroujerdi was quoted as saying in Iran’s state-controlled press, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Meanwhile, in addition to other disturbing behavior, senior Iranian leaders have recently restated their desire to destroy the state of Israel, threatening the Jewish State with 100,000 missiles. It seems that Iran will continue to make threats against the Western world and its allies while blackmailing the West for more and more money.
“We do not violate the [nuclear deal], but if the opposite party violates it and tears it apart as the U.S. presidential candidates state and threaten at present, then we will burn it,” Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei was quoted as saying.

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