World View: Obama May Seek Iran’s Help as Anti-ISIS Coalition Shrinks

Following the capture and
murder of the Jordanian pilot by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS or ISIL),
the Arab nations that were announced to be part of the US
administration’s anti-ISIS coalition have been dropping out. Saudi
Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait have dropped out of the coalition completely.
There is absolutely no chance that Egypt will join the coalition, as had
originally been hoped. United Arab Emirates (UAE) has partially
remained in the coalition.
The latest edition of Debka’s subscriber-only newsletter (sent to me by a subscriber), contains a detailed analysis of the US anti-ISIS strategy, based on its own intelligence sources. I like to reference Debka’s newsletter because it contains valuable insights into what is going on, but is written from Israel’s point of view, and sometimes gets things wrong.
According to the analysis, Obama is taking every step possible to avoid being drawn into another Iraq war. While he is criticized for having no strategy, he actually does have a strategy: to “dump that war in Iran’s lap” by using the nuclear weapons talks to draw Iran into fighting ISIS instead of us.
Here is an outline of the analysis:
This is a good time to repeat something I have written about several times. There is no doubt in my mind that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. Iran was attacked with weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in 1988 by Iraq, and Iran would already have developed nuclear weapons if Saddam Hussein had not been expelled by the Iraq war in 2003. Iran sees itself surrounded by potential enemies, Pakistan and Israel, both having nuclear weapons. For Iran, developing nuclear weapons is an existential issue.
However, as I have described before, Iran takes an enormous amount of pride in not having invaded other countries, even though other countries have invaded Iran. If you look back at Iran’s major wars of the last century — the Constitutional Revolution of 1908-09, the Great Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Iran/Iraq war of the 1980s– Iran never attacked anyone else. This is now part of Iran’s DNA, and even the top leadership would be repulsed by the idea of a preemptive attack on Israel.
So my conclusion is that Iran will develop nuclear weapons as a defensive measure, but has no plans at all to use them on Israel, which is what is widely believed. Guardian (London) and Debka
The latest edition of Debka’s subscriber-only newsletter (sent to me by a subscriber), contains a detailed analysis of the US anti-ISIS strategy, based on its own intelligence sources. I like to reference Debka’s newsletter because it contains valuable insights into what is going on, but is written from Israel’s point of view, and sometimes gets things wrong.
According to the analysis, Obama is taking every step possible to avoid being drawn into another Iraq war. While he is criticized for having no strategy, he actually does have a strategy: to “dump that war in Iran’s lap” by using the nuclear weapons talks to draw Iran into fighting ISIS instead of us.
Here is an outline of the analysis:
- With the international coalition on ISIS shrinking, the U.S. “bulldozed” UAE to contribute to the coalition by sending a squadron of sixteen F-16 fighters to Jordan, to conduct air strikes in Syria. All of Jordan’s and UAE’s air strikes are accompanied by U.S. F-22 Raptor stealth fighters for protection from ISIS ground fire. The coalition “war on ISIS” is treading water, accomplishing nothing but rhetoric.
- President Obama has undertaken “a delicate, high-wire gambit” for dealing with ISIS. Rather than allowing US ground forces, Obama is attempting to get Iran to do the “heavy lifting” in fighting ISIS, in return for giving Iran increased leeway in developing its nuclear capabilities, while reducing the sanctions.
- Obama is giving Iran maximum freedom to move in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, so that Iran will be drawn into war with ISIS, theoretically without U.S. involvement. In particular, Obama has made a deal with Iran not to impede the Houthi takeover of Yemen. Iran has recently been bragging that it has control of four major Mideast capital cities — Damascus, Baghdad, Beirut and Sanaa, in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen, respectively, and Obama is letting Iran establish those strongholds without hindrance.
- Obama’s relationship with Egypt is in a complete deep-freeze, where even vestigial day-to-day military ties, including intelligence sharing, have been shut down. Obama’s relationship with Israel is almost as bad. But Egypt and Israel are collaborating at the highest level, particularly in missile and air strikes against terrorists in Sinai. Aside from the U.S., Israel is the only Middle East power engaging in drone warfare against Islamic terrorists. Israel is supplying the advanced intelligence technology that Egypt lacks, and is required to support air strikes against terrorists in Sinai.
- However, Egypt has had no success in shutting down the smuggling routes from Libya, used to transfer weapons from Libya to Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Sinai. The Egypt-Libya border is becoming completely lawless, like Sinai.
- Saudi Arabia’s new King Salman is shoring up Saudi Arabia’s relationship with Pakistan. Since 1999, the two governments entered into an unwritten agreement for Riyadh to fund large sections of Pakistan’s military nuclear program, in return for which Pakistan would make nuclear weapons and nuclear-capable missiles available to the Saudis if a strategic need arose. The Saudi-Pakistan connection may jeopardize Obama’s plans with Iran.
- The Saudis are funding Egypt’s purchase of military jets and missiles from France. Since a squadron of French fighter jets is based in Saudi Arabia and France maintains air and sea bases in the UAE, the arms deal would propel Egypt into integration in the French-Saudi-UAE defense alliance.
This is a good time to repeat something I have written about several times. There is no doubt in my mind that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. Iran was attacked with weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in 1988 by Iraq, and Iran would already have developed nuclear weapons if Saddam Hussein had not been expelled by the Iraq war in 2003. Iran sees itself surrounded by potential enemies, Pakistan and Israel, both having nuclear weapons. For Iran, developing nuclear weapons is an existential issue.
However, as I have described before, Iran takes an enormous amount of pride in not having invaded other countries, even though other countries have invaded Iran. If you look back at Iran’s major wars of the last century — the Constitutional Revolution of 1908-09, the Great Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the Iran/Iraq war of the 1980s– Iran never attacked anyone else. This is now part of Iran’s DNA, and even the top leadership would be repulsed by the idea of a preemptive attack on Israel.
So my conclusion is that Iran will develop nuclear weapons as a defensive measure, but has no plans at all to use them on Israel, which is what is widely believed. Guardian (London) and Debka
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