Oct 20, 2017
I wonder what nuclear-free zone our global liberals plan to use when their accommodation and appeasement of North Korea and Iran’s nuclear missile programs reach finality?
Hillary, when not denying comparisons between Bill and Harvey Weinstein, criticized Trump for being “too hard” on North Korea and Iran. Research her husband’s 1994 sellout and funding of North Korea’s nuclear program shows her comment is insanely hypocritical. History will anoint Bill as the father of North Korea’s nuclear program.
Charles Krauthammer’s analysis of the Iranian nuclear deal shows the same flaws that feed North Korea’s nuclear and missile program, upfront billions and no meaningful inspections, a tribute to Obama and his EU buddies.
Europe’s leaders have already yielded sovereignty to Islamic refuges, blatantly refusing to assimilate. As Muslim no-go areas expand in coming years, cities and states will be governed by Sharia Law, not national law, and natives will become refuges in their own countries.
The difference between the threat of a nuclear North Korea and Iran is one word — Israel. Unlike weak South Korea and Japan, Israel can, and would, destroy Iran if attacked. The question for the West (America) — is South Korea worth a nuclear war?
The same liberals who praised the 1994 nuclear concession to North Korea would probably yield South Korea to a nuclear North. North Korea is the world’s worst nightmare, and it is the creation of gutless politicians who have spent their careers kicking tough decisions down the road.
The New York Times reports North Korea believes they can win a nuclear war with America.
Pete Richmond
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