Author Says Babylon the Great is Wicked America
Contact: Michael Fortner,
LAWTON, Okla., June 3, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — Author, historian, and Bible prophecy expert, Michael D. Fortner’s latest book is, “The Fall of Babylon the Great America.” This new look at Bible prophecy presents strong evidence that there are three prophetic Babylons; political, economic, and cultural, all based in America.
Fortner says that one of the most difficult things he had to do in his study of Bible prophecy, was come to the realization that America is Babylon the Great (BTG). He did not want to believe it, and resisted because it means that America will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. But after years of study, the evidence forced him to that conclusion.
But he says that Babylon the Great (BTG) is not all of America, it is only wicked America. “God will save a righteous remnant from those who do not go in the Rapture, to will rebuild the nation.”
He provides a mountain of evidence and explains in detail how the U.S. federal government is political Babylon; how cultural Babylon is the polluted culture of America that is formed by movies, TV, and music. And economic Babylon is global capitalism which is headquartered in America, especially New York City.
There are other books out there on this subject of America being Babylon the Great, but there are several things that distinguish this book from all the others. Fortner presents evidence to show that l just weeks before the return of Christ, while all the other books have America destroyed before the start of the tribulation.
He says the nuclear war will not be only upon America, because America will retaliate and send nukes upon the beast and its allies, which will be the Revived Ottoman Empire, Russia, China, North Korea, and other nations. Because of the global nuclear war, a Nuclear Winter will threaten to engulf the world. Then Christ returns and destroys the evil that is trying take over the world, with asteroid impacts and huge earthquakes. These events will also end the Nuclear Winter.
The author says that God will save America from total destruction because America is not only a nation founded by Christians for the purpose of the Gospel, but because America is one of the nations that God promised to Abraham. “Yes, God promised Abraham more than one nation,” Fortner says.
He also discusses the Old Testament references to end-time Babylon, Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38, the Battle of Armageddon, and more. Like his other books on Bible prophecy, there are many new insights.
Fortner has a B.A. in journalism with a minor in history. Sample chapters can be found on his website, www.usbibleprophecy.com. Contact him at okmedia@myway.com. Review copies are available upon request.