Can ISIS get access to nuclear weapons through Pakistan?

By Bob Taylor, Communities Digital News
CHARLOTTE, N.C., November 25, 2014 – The United States and its Western allies have capitulated to Iran, extending talks designed to limit the Iranian nuclear weapons program.
The Iranians got precisely what they wanted, which is more time to develop their nuclear arsenal. At the same time, a potentially more dangerous result may be developing in another Muslim country that already has nuclear weapons. As usual, Western media have ignored the story, either out of ignorance or apathy. Either way, the situation poses a deadly threat to the nations that oppose ISIS.
According to Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Brotherhood member who has become a major voice against Islamic terrorism, “ISIS now has camped in Pakistan and all across Pakistan” with the black flag of the Islamic State popping up all over the country.
Despite U.S. airstrikes which have supposedly slowed the spread of ISIS, Shoebat warns that “western news consumers are not paying as much attention to how fast the Islamic State is moving.”
Economic problems and political tensions have made Pakistan even more unstable than usual for the region, making the presence of the Islamic State, which has been confirmed by the Pakistani government, a highly disturbing development.
If ISIS gains control of or gets an ally in Pakistan, it could gain access to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Given the inhumanity of ISIS, that possibility should fill observers with foreboding; ISIS is a group that might very well use nuclear weapons to advance their cause.
Says Karl Kaltenthaler, a professor at the University of Akron and an expert on the rise of Islamic extremism, “The message they’re trying to convey is they are brutal to their enemies, and they are righteous in their cause. If you mess with them, you’re going to pay a high price, and they will stop at nothing to achieve the triumph of their vision for Islam.”
According to Shoebat, a staggering 98 percent of Pakistanis support Islamic jihad, and they have no qualms about the savagery of ISIS.
If that sounds far-fetched, remember that it was Pakistan that sheltered Osama bin Laden and protected him for several years. It was only through a covert operation which did not involve informing the Pakistani government of our intentions that the U.S. was able to kill bin Laden.
Furthermore, as Shoebat points out, “among all the nuclear states Pakistan is the only country that leaked and transferred nuclear technology to the countries that are still under UN and U.S. sanctions. It is also the only nuclear state that shelters and protects terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Haqani Network and now the infamous ISIS.”
Shoebat explains why an ISIS-Pakistan alliance is such a threat. “While the global leaders certainly understand that there is an extreme threat to global security if the risk that ISIS could get a hold of nuclear weapons, all world leaders, especially Americans, do is hold international conferences on addressing the issue,” says Shoebat.
Anyone paying even a moderate amount of attention realizes that “talking without action” has been the primary focus of the Obama administration’s foreign policy under Secertaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. Such an approach will not suffice against an action-oriented, emboldened terrorist organization like ISIS.
As the prospect of a nuclear Iran looms, Shoebat has a dire warning for the West: “ISIS will strive for acquiring nuclear weapons in Pakistan and will get them, its only a matter of time. Assuming even if ISIS doesn’t fight for it, there are elements in Pakistan that may sell either nuclear technology or nuclear weapons to ISIS. If ISIS obtains nuclear weapons in Pakistan a new chapter of terrorism will emerge, and ISIS will turn into an invincible force.”
For the moment such prospects are nothing more than speculation. But given that ISIS is creeping its way into the dangerous territory of Pakistan combined with the common cause to defeat all things non-Muslim, the prospects are not good if the Islamic State can find a way to access nuclear weapons.
While the media may not be paying attention, we can only hope that Western governments are taking notice.
Bob Taylor has been traveling the world for more than 30 years as a writer and award winning television producer focusing on international events, people and cultures around the globe.. Taylor is founder of The Magellan Travel Club (
Read more of What in the World and Bob Taylor at Communities Digital News. Follow Bob on Twitter @MrPeabod
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