Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dealing With The Devil

Obama Betrays The United States In Secret Letter To Iran


The letter to Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei supposedly went something like this: you help us in the fight against the Islamic State and we will look the other way in your effort to develop and acquire a nuclear weapons capability.

This letter was from the President of the United States.

In short, Obama is willing to sell out our national security in the process of making himself look good in fighting the new terrorist entity in Iraq. (Yes, the Iraq where he removed troops to get reelected, the consequences to America’s security be damned.)

Now the American public, and his Rasputin advisor, has told Obama that ISIS is a problem. They have told him that he will go down in history as the president who lost the Middle East, who maybe was a terrorist himself. He cannot afford this in his legacy, so he will do anything to prevent this narrative.

This includes allowing a forsworn enemy of Israel and America to get the atomic bomb. Iran has declared multiple times in recent memory that their goal is the destruction of Israel, the Jewish State. They have supported terrorism all around the world, not just the Middle East.

The Islamic state is a jihadist state that wants nuclear weapons. Iran IS a jihadist state that WILL SOON HAVE nuclear weapons.

Many experts are now voicing the fact that the existence of Obama’s letter destroys all chances of Iran being pressured into halting the development of nuclear weapons. Obama doesn’t care about this. He never cared about this.

This was his plan all along. Just like Iran, he delayed, he looked the other way, he negotiated, and now he has dealt with the devil himself. The only problem is he just got caught.

I don’t think the existence of this letter was meant to be public. Now, he will scramble to deny, obfuscate, and generally just ignore the weak mainstream media as they make feeble attempts to hold him accountable.

This episode is just another example of the treasonous nature of this administration. I have said multiple times that he is the Manchurian president, not concerned with the security of our country. No, he has a much darker agenda.

We will not understand the full evil of his presidency until long after he is gone and the truth comes out. That is, IF he leaves office in 2016.

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