By Terion Friday Jun 09, 2017 · 12:30 PM MST 2017/06/09 · 12:30
Oh, you silly silly naive Americans. You thought the
Trump/Russia/Saudi thing was just about oil, stealing elections, ending
sanctions, and selling weapons?
Silly rabbits.
You forgot nuclearizing the Mideast and giving jobs at nuclear plants to “young men” in the Mideast who currently have nothing to do but “go out and shoot each other.”
Sound risky? Heck, there’s MONEY to be made, damnit!!
The Flynn, Trump, Saudi Arabia, Russia nexus goes far far beyond what any of us realized.
This was and possibly still is part of their big plan, dirty bombs be damned. These kinds of plans don’t die any more than Republican bills do. It’s waiting there in the shadows, ready for the moment we aren’t watching… because they know Republican Senators like Jeff Sessions would be perfectly fine with this type of insanity. Heck, they pinned Sessions to let Russia run a nuclear plant in his home state, and the only thing that prevented any of this was the investigation of Trump/Russia.
And now we have some liberal geniuses saying we should talk less about Russia and more about other issues? Talking about Russia is the only thing holding these madmen back.
God help all of us if we lose focus.
Silly rabbits.
You forgot nuclearizing the Mideast and giving jobs at nuclear plants to “young men” in the Mideast who currently have nothing to do but “go out and shoot each other.”
Sound risky? Heck, there’s MONEY to be made, damnit!!
MICHAEL FLYNN, RUSSIA AND A GRAND SCHEME TO BUILD NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS IN SAUDI ARABIA AND THE ARAB WORLDSrsly? These young radicalized men who’ve had their children murdered by Trump, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have nothing better to do than go out and shoot each other… except maybe to work at a nuclear plant. That sounds like a brilliant idea. Let’s have a Marshall Plan not to employ Americans but to give radicalized Muslims access to nuclear waste. America first… or something.
… an overlooked line in [Flynn’s] financial disclosure form, which he was forced to amend to detail those foreign payments, reveals he was also involved in one of the most audacious … schemes in recent memory: a plan to build scores of U.S. nuclear power plants in the Middle East…
… a concern for Flynn and his partners was the moribund U.S. nuclear industry, which was losing out to Russian and even South Korean contractors in the region.. “We find ourselves…standing on the sidelines and watching the competition pass us by.”
So the genius idea developed by Flynn and Co. was a U.S.-Russian partnership to build and operate plants and export the dangerous spent fuel under strict controls. Flynn’s role would be helping X-Co/Iron Bridge design and implement a vast security network for the entire enterprise…
But the project faced opposition from the Obama administration, Cochran says. “They didn’t want to do it with the Russians and didn’t want to do it while they were negotiating the Iran deal,” he tells Newsweek.
Trump’s embrace of Russian President Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, offered an attractive possibility. And when Flynn, who had connections to the Russians, became the candidate’s national security adviser, the ACU team, led by British-American dealmaker Alex Copson, suddenly seemed to have an inside man. Last year, Copson was touting such connections when he tried to buy an unfinished nuclear plant in Alabama in concert with the Russians, telling a Huntsville reporter that “Alabama’s two senators”—both Republicans, and one, Jeff Sessions, then a top Trump campaign adviser—“can help the next administration move this project forward.”
…he alternately likens to launching the U.S. Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe after World War II, and the Tennessee Valley Authority which tamed rivers and brought electricity and industrial development to the American South in the 1930s. “It would provide energy and jobs and so forth for countries like Egypt and others in the region,” he says, “so that these young men have got something more useful to do than go out and shoot each other.”
The Flynn, Trump, Saudi Arabia, Russia nexus goes far far beyond what any of us realized.
This was and possibly still is part of their big plan, dirty bombs be damned. These kinds of plans don’t die any more than Republican bills do. It’s waiting there in the shadows, ready for the moment we aren’t watching… because they know Republican Senators like Jeff Sessions would be perfectly fine with this type of insanity. Heck, they pinned Sessions to let Russia run a nuclear plant in his home state, and the only thing that prevented any of this was the investigation of Trump/Russia.
And now we have some liberal geniuses saying we should talk less about Russia and more about other issues? Talking about Russia is the only thing holding these madmen back.
God help all of us if we lose focus.